Friday, May 10, 2019

You are the Problem... Deal with it!

Did that title TRIGGER you??  I hope it did because as I stated, YOU are the problem.

     I have learned so much over the last 9 months about myself and about others. What makes people tick? What motivates and what can debilitate? I never planned on becoming a leader or even a team trainer. NEVER in my plans ever but here I am doing it. I have got to tell you it can be an exhausting responsibility but also rewarding.

     So much ENERGY is spent on trying to make others see what you see in them. You will pour out everything you can, just to get a tiny spark. Just to see one small flame flicker in their eyes. At some point in our lives we seem to lose something vital. As a child we feel like we can do anything. We can be superman, unstoppable and can face anything we set out to do. What happens to us? What changes??

       As children many of us lack the "excuse" emotion. When we do something great we get celebrated by those around us and that is all we really need to feel accomplished. We do not determine our self worth or value based on the 10 mins we had to sit in time out for tripping the bully on the playground. We do not dwell on our punishments or failures, instead we accept our wrongs, and the punishments and then we go back to the playground. As adults, we over analyze every single action and reaction. We hit replay on one moment a thousand times!? WHY?? Because we are looking for the loophole, the escape, the excuse that it was not our faults. We are looking to be blameless and a innocent victim. We can not understand how our actions could possibly lead to X reaction.

      You are the problem so you need to deal with it. Now before you think that I have already excluded myself from this little rant, think again. I am guilty! I know 100% I over think EVERYTHING!!

      As a stay at home parent I have observed the behavior mentioned above. It was not until I became a "leader" that I truly began to see how much of a problem I had personally. 

     Any good leader will CARE about you and your goals. The problem is some of us care too much. We care MORE than you care yourself. What we intend to be education and encouragement can sometimes turn into life support.

     We all need to wake up and reclaim our own strength. Its estimated that 1% of people who set out to become successful actually reach that goal. That means 99% of our society can not overcome the fears and challenges that arise on the way to success. 99% of society will accept FAILURE as a victory. "I tried it just was not for me." Reality is YOU did NOT even scratch the surface of TRY. 



   We are designed to run away from things painful and uncomfortable which is a huge factor when it comes to being successful. I have researched this topic of "Success" and one of the most interesting things I have read was "The 5 Second Rule." To be successful you must MOVE, WORK, TAKE ANY ACTION that can propel you forward. It absolutely will without a doubt be uncomfortable at times. You will face fears, battles and even pain. This is what separates the 1% from the 99% and ultimately the successful from the quitters.

      Sometimes we have these thoughts of doing something incredible. Its a moment of wisdom that could really change the course of our lives. When these moments arise many of us almost instantly decide not to do it. What ever the 'it' may be we choose to toss the crazy idea away. We flood it out of our brains with a thousand excuses. 

I have No time.
I can not do what they do.
I am just tired.

     This can all happen within 5 seconds. Those who break that 5 second rule and actually begin to move they find freedom. Our BRAINS work against us if we do not physically move within 5 seconds When you stop and think, when you hesitate, and when you feel uncertain, you are signaling to your brain that something’s wrong.

     Your brain will automatically kill the dream or idea in order to protect you. Protect you how exactly?By keeping you from doing anything that feels scary, hard, or uncertain.It thinks it’s keeping you safe when in fact it is keeping you from growing as a person, stretching yourself in your business, and fully experiencing life.

The Scary, Hard, Uncertain things in life is what Dreams are built from!! STOP standing in your own way! Stop depending on your leaders or mentors to carry you over the finish line. Make the choice to take action and crush excuses. If you need your hand held every step of your life you will never learn to walk let alone, Run.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

My Paparazzi Journey

It has been quite sometime since I took a moment to write on this blog. My life has changed A-Lot just to keep it simple. I will do another blog sometime soon to maybe play the catch up game. The purpose of this one today is to shed some light on the last 8 months of my life.

It is no secret that I have dabbled in many work from home adventures. Most if not all leading to defeat and failure. One I started in 2017 was the absolute worst kind. It took lots of time and lots of money with little to no reward. I had started that business as a way to cope with anxiety and depression that most mothers especially stay at home mothers face. I was told how amazing it was and I drank the koolaid. Months later, the company was a complete embarrassment and it only cost me more heartache and more anxiety. I was over the stay at home side "hustle".

I have always loved taking photos and have built up a pretty amazing group of customers over the years but I became burnt out. Photography was something I enjoyed but lots of people can turn what was once a joy into anxiety and work. One customer in particular, will always be burned into my mind. I was over working for others all the time too.

So here I am, Exhausted with a company that was set up in such a way that I could never be successful. Exhausted with dealing with others over photos and booking sessions. Just flat out exhausted with all of it. Still I was searching for a purpose and I knew God would guide me where I needed to go. I just never imagined it would be where I am.

One night, Scrolling through Facebook I can across a video. This girl was shy, timid, super nervous and the empathy in me wanted to stay if only to show a little support. As I watched her she began to hold up some really cute jewelry. I thought 'Thats cute I would totally wear that... I wonder how much it cost"? Then out of her mouth came the words $5 dollar Jewelry... and I was locked in. After the show was over I sent this stranger a message asking about the company and looking for information AKA the scheme, hoax, anything negative. She was very quick to reply with some information on how I could get started and join her team. I told her to give me some time to think it over.

In that time I asked her for I dug as hard as I could into the business of Paparazzi Accessories. I wanted to hunt down all the dirt and turn every stone possible. Things that I found were of no use because everything looked too good to be true. Not a single negative word came up against this company. I noticed several things though during this excavation.

1) Paparazzi was started in 2011 by two sisters and their husbands
2) It was started debt free and remains debt free today
3) Considered Ground Level- Fewer than 500,000 consultants compared to the millions of Avon and Mary Kay. ( near 300,000 currently)
4) You are able to make a instant 45% commission on personal sales which was absolutely mind blowing to me. You make that without a single person joining your team.
5) You can quit at any time with no strings attached.
6) To be active you only have to purchase 25 items a month minimum at 2.75 wholesale cost. If your having a life issue and cannot be active one month you do not lose your consultant status. You actually only need to purchase 100 items in a 12 month span.
7) It was changing peoples lives in a big way.
8) It grew more than Facebook and Google combined one year.

All of this lead me to joining this shy young woman's team. I told her I was ready to join and she sent me a link. I must have looked at it for hours checking for hidden fees. Then I took a deep breath pulled out my debit card and ordered the $99.00 Kit. I instantly felt like I made a mistake but I had no idea that it would be the best thing that ever happened to me and my family. She announced me on a team group and I was overcome by the love and the support I got just for saying yes.

I got the kit within a few days and I was so impressed with the product. I went live on FB to sell and was blown away by the amount of people who wanted to buy and also I was scared to death. Going live to sell $5 jewelry was never in my plans. I was just looking for fun but it turned into something else fairly quickly.

I changed. My life changed. My family changed.

I never planned to recruit ever!! I was happy just to be doing something for myself while my children slept at night, but people came asking. I didn't have to cold message or seek out anyone they approached me and that was a surprise. So within a week or two of joining I hit my first rank in the company. I was excited and terrified all at the same time. The shy stranger who signed me up had vanished and was no longer guiding me. I was in all of these groups and chats and so I had at least some sort of resources available. I knew I would never want my team to feel alone and so it was up to me to learn everything I could about the business so that I could help them. So thats what I did. I spent hours learning everything I could and passing it along to them. We learned together and we learned quickly !


I have made more friends than I can count. Paparazzi also allowed me to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.


Of course this is a very vague view of the beginning of my journey. I had no idea what all would take place over the months. I gained confidence as paparazzi forced me to be seen by others and to learn how to be a leader. I gained strength by understanding I must always be learning and trying to be better. I gained friends which I now cannot imagine my life without them. I have more support in this business than all other past businesses combined. The money is also a great plus !!

Its been almost 9 months since I joined. My one yes has lead to 237 more. My team is growing and not only growing but thriving. What started as a way to have fun has become my purpose. My mission in life is to help others. This opportunity is something I must share as often as I can because it has truly changed my life. It has made me a better person. I care about every person who joins my team. I want you to be trained and equipped to not only sell jewelry but to bless others in the process.

Paparazzi Mission Statement says it all!

To bring strength, independence, and empowerment to individuals and their families by building confidence and financial freedom through affordable fashion. While $5 jewelry may not change the world, we believe those who wear it will.