November and December has been a major blur for me. We have been BUSY!!! All things new at the Gibson house include.... well our house !!
We have purchased our very first home!! We closed on our house December the 12th and moved in before the papers were sighed that day ! I had just over a week to get us unpacked and all settled before packing up for Christmas! We moved in and I put up a tree and then.... THE FLU hit!
My boys started with what seemed to be a normal tummy bug ... no temp or anything. With in a few hours my sweet baby girl was running a 103.4 temp that was not responding to Tylenol or Motrin. I took them in ALONE ... all three of my kids and me ALONE on a dr visit. IT WAS TERRIBLE ! I had an appointment for 2:45 and did not leave that place till almost 6:00 <<< CRAY CRAY
One of the absolute worst weeks of my life! Kenzi tested positive for the flu but the boys tested negative. I spent the entire week trying to get them all well and prepare to go home for Christmas all while I was also battling some sickness. I have never seen my baby girl so pitiful. She started feeling better about day 4 and then the boys ran temps for 2 days ONLY. Then the day before we go home I get the call that my grandmother was having gallbladder surgery and had to have another surgery the following day. I was not HAPPY to say the least! You never feel so helpless as you do when your 5 hours away from someone you love and they need you.
Finally it was time to go HOME!!! YES Praise the Lord a break for MAMA!! Christmas is always extremely busy for I am sure everyone ...but for us it seems crazy every year. Going home and then making it to 4-5 Christmas events all in the few days we are home is a challenge. This year was different. We missed one for sickness and celebrated another 2 days late. During my visit I spent a lot of time seeing my Grandmother (Nanny). She is one of the most strong-willed women I have ever met. Strong willed and yet still so submissive in her life. I feel like I have told her many times or at least tried to choke out the words of what she means to me. I can not say enough to feel like I give her a true sense of what she means to our family. She has always taken care of me and loved me. She has always been filled with wisdom and truth. EVEN IF THE TRUTH HURT! My nanny is the glue that holds us all together and even though it was a routine surgery it felt so major to me. While I may not have always agreed with her and her ways.... the older I get the more I strive to be just like her. My grandfather is a very stubborn and sometimes difficult man... and yet she loves him through his faults. She chose to serve him and love him and she does it in the most respectful way. I love him too! I don't want it to be perceived as he is this awful person but he for sure is stubborn and I know that very blood runs through my veins as well. She is an amazing mother and grandmother.... she still puts her children above herself. I miss her and I wish I would have taken advantage of all the time I had with her as a child. The lessons we learn as we age..... Christmas was extra special this year to me as I savored all the moments with our families. Seeing my Grandfather step up and take care of my Nanny moved me. Our family came together to do all the things she normally does for Christmas and while she fought me every step of the way she also thanked me. During our Christmas while my kids were making a huge mess I took her arm and led her to her seat so she wouldn't fall .... she said "Stop acting like Im crazy." HAHA Love her!!
With Christmas in the bag for 2014 we headed back to our new home! I was ready this time. Maybe its the thought of its mine ALL mine. 1200 square feet is pretty small for a family of 5... but its MY 1200 sq ft and I LOVE IT!! Yall I can clean it sooooo fast =) !!
With 2014 BEHIND ME.... 2015 Before me... I cant help but sit here just feeling thankful. My children are all still sleeping and my home is warm and quiet. I have absolutely no where to be and nothing to do. Well actually I have about a million things to do... but in this moment nothing! 2015 looks good... it looks welcoming and it looks like love. It looks like LIFE.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all"
-Oscar Wilde
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