So naturally when school starts you have to go get "Supplies"!! I mean we obviously cant color with dull crayons, or markers that no longer have tips thanks to Kymbrel's "bite on everything" hobby! So this morning as soon as both boys were awake I got them dressed and we headed to.... McDonalds!! I had already promised we would go this week and I don't want to make more than one trip out into the real world this week so why not cram it all into one fun filled sticky day!! So after stuffing them to the tip top with sugar and pancakes and allowing them to go nuts in the play place for about an hour.... we headed to the store for the most exciting time of Candon's LIFE!!
As soon as I park Candon says " Lets GO get my surprise!! "! ... Oh boy ... He misunderstood me, how in the world am I going to turn this one around? So I say " Yay lets go get your surprise supplies"! HAHA
Once we hit the school supply aisle he finally got the picture and to my surprise was so excited. It could be that the aisles were decorated with huge fresh packs of crayons and markers.... that had never been exposed to Kymbrel's baby wrath, or maybe it was the rainbow assortment of glitter and glue that caught his eye and made him think " this is awesome". I let him basically pick whatever he wanted as long as it wasn't Rose Art lol!! If there is one thing I can remember from my coloring days is that Rose Art stinks! How they even still sell crayons is just a plain shock to me. IM SERIOUS! So he is running up and down the aisle laughing and then something catches his eye.... "LOOK mama its the HUNK!!!"! Yeah its all cute in all except just so happens that we were standing by two really big muscle men... You know the kind that look like they could eat small children for dinner! OF course they turn around all like "Yeah hey little man"! Meanwhile my face is on fire and I instantly say "HULK honey... not Hunk he is from the Avengers". All is taken care of and then Candon blurts out " They look like Hulks ... but not green"! HAHA Well what do you do? I just decided to laugh and try to walk away as quickly as I could....
Kymbrel during this whole supply raid seemed to be behaving himself. I was completely absorbing all of Candon's "ohhhh and ahhhh" moments so I just didn't notice why he was being so precious and sweet! I look up and someone has found himself a bag of M&Ms!! They must have been in the diaper bag from their trip to Granna and Paw Paws house.... Because what do grandparents think are travel necessities?? Diapers, Wipes, goldfish and of course you cant ever send them back to their mother without a bag of candy! SOOO he was basically a beautiful little rainbow of chocolate and colored candy from head to toe! Hims just a little precious baby who was being sooooo good!
So we finally reach the end of shopping for school supplies and thank goodness because it was NAP time!!
All in all it has been a very fun day! Getting to see Candon so excited about learning and preschool really got me excited about teaching it! I know what society still thinks about homeschooling "its a awful, terrible, sheltering, non social experience"... but that's just not the case! My husband and sister in law were home schooled up until high school and I can still see the impact that it had on their lives. They were still just as social if not MORE social. Both of them are extremely smart and fell right into place with others their age... and most important... They both had a SOLID foundation to stand on. I am thankful for their experiences and that they had such an amazing mom and teacher! I was public schooled my whole life and was no where near sheltered... I wish I had been sheltered a little more! I could have used a little more Jesus and a little less social time. I'm not saying its the right choice for everyone but it just happens to be the right choice for me and my family as of now. We have planned on homeschooling since before we had children. It is just something the Lord placed on our hearts, and its something that we want to be faithful in attempting! I look forward to the many memories that will be made through this process. I am so excited and absolutely blessed to be able to be in the position I am.
"Start children off in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
~ Proverbs 22:6
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