Friday, October 3, 2014

Kenzi Faye

Well it has been a very very busy month or two for us!! I have not had the time to spare to blog and honestly miss it! Somehow getting to sit by myself for 5-10 min can reset my mommy brain :)!!! 

        On April 24, 2014 we welcomed our sweet little tee tiny daughter into the world. She was 7 pounds and 9 ounces and the smallest little thing I have ever seen!! She is absolutely the most adorable girl I have ever laid eyes on.  Labor was a breeze haha ... no really I was smiling and laughing and just enjoying time with family. 

She came out at 5:18 that evening and has had her daddy and I wrapped around that tiny little finger ever since !! There is absolutely nothing in this world like holding a new baby!! Especially a baby that is your baby! After two boys and lots of prayer the Lord finally gave me a daughter! He not only blessed me with a daughter .... BUT he also made her beautiful :) I am so so so in love with her!! Every little inch is precious right down to her teeny tiny baby toesies !! 

This entire past month has been one giant blur !!!! Been so super busy I haven't had time for anything!! There are nights when I think i might cry from being so exhausted but then I look at her and fall in love all over again. Only for a very very short time will she be this small... I keep reminding myself to soak it all in. I was grateful to have my mom and mother in law around for help prior to her birth and for a week after :). My grandmother whom she was named after was also present at the birth (She cried which was so sweet to me !). We also had Aunt Audrey drive 5 hours just to meet her! I couldnt ask for a better best friend!

Its been a terrible day....SO I NEEDED TO POST SOMETHING GOOD :) ( HINTS Kenzi's Birth) ..... from screaming children... to getting locked out of my house .... to grocery shopping with 3 babies.... its been one of those days!!! THE DAYS that make you want to curl up in a ball in the floor... not my floor of course because its still covered in the sticky, crummy yucky things that appear the moment Im done mopping! If my house smells like urine right now its because my beautiful little Kymbrel is becoming a man :) He has discovered that ripping your undies (diaper) off and running around BUTT NAKED yelling is loads of fun! Also, why pee in the potty when there is a whole house!?? ... YESTERDAY he peed in the hallway and him and Candon both repeatedly fell in the pee while trying to run from each other which led to a complete and utter MELT down! Of course all of this falling and rolling around in Pee happened before bath time.... just KIDDING they had just had baths and were clean. Seriously SMH they go from clean to covered in URINE in about 10 seconds. STORY OF MY LIFE! All of this chaos has been happening while Caleb has been at work of course.... He is working a lot of over time so he is tired ... Im tired ... my kids are tired. WE ALL NEED A GOOD NAP I THINK!! This last month has been CrAzY to say the least but... its my life and all the offenders are the ones I love the most!! SOMEONE recently said that I (meaning me) made poor choices in marrying so young against others advice and having kids while not being financially VIABLE.... (we are financially stable now but havent always been.... who hasnt had a hard times? !!) .... that statement has stuck in my mind these past few days.... the absolute cruelty behind the words.


I love you Caleb, Candon, Kymbrel and little Miss K!!! You guys are my entire world!! I knew even when others didnt.... and even when they didnt agree .... where I was meant to be. Love you little Monsters!

ALMOST forgot these precious pictures :)

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