Friday, October 3, 2014

Daddys BUTT Cake

 SOOOO My man has been out of town for 4 days this week and I absolutely hate it!! I have never in my entire life missed him soooooo much!! So I came up with a plan to never ever let him leave again lol!! Not by making him stay but by making him want to stay.... through FOOD :) . Someone posted this beautiful but easy BUNT cake recipe this morning on FB and that's all it took!!
    Loading up the kids and headed to get Bunt cake items..... Candon on the way decides he wants to know what we are shopping for... Candy?? Toys?? Movies?? We are going to make your Daddy a Bunt cake!! He starts laughing hysterically ...after about 2 min of non stop giggles he finally reveals the energy behind the giggles... "Daddy eats BUTT CAKE!!" .... and yet again burst into laughter!! 
    Nothing like having your 3 year old 100% tickled about BUTT CAKE!!! After the long days and the sadness of missing my husband and them missing their daddy it sure was nice to giggle awhile!! I know this is short but sometimes the best moments are... JUST SHORT AND SWEET.... kinda like Candon and Kymbrel!!

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
                                                                                                             Proverbs 17:22


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