Friday, October 3, 2014

I now have a Pre-Schooler

   Candon finally started Pre-school (Homeschool) and he absolutely loves it! Today was his 2nd day and he just soaked up every moment of it. Even on only day 2 I can feel God directing me in which way to go and how to speak so Candon can understand. I honestly have always had this huge fear of teaching because its such a huge responsibility. I mean, I do not want my kids to be viewed badly all because of my failures, but I feel like even though that fear is still present its no longer dominating in my life. Its strange to say that I feel Gods presence more during home school than any other part of my day. I have a calm and a peace and a true desire to be patient and just watch and learn with Candon. I know.. I know its just Day 2 BUT, I am telling you there is just something so comforting about it. I can not tell you that we are not going to have challenging days in the future because I know we will but, I feel like this is God saying to me "Be faithful and trust in me." Im trusting Lord and Im so honored to be this little boys mama!!
    Just in two days Candon has learned what a big "A" and a little "a" is all about. He has learned about the number 1 and also about how God created everything. We have had a few laughs also ... He is already pretty smart about colors, animals, shapes, numbers, and letters so when he seen a alligator that represented the letter "A" he just could not understand that it wasn't a crocodile!! Also, the Ark looks more like a log to him -hahaha!! So he calls is a "Ark boat Log" -Hey I'll take it lol!! Another funny problem we are having is the picture of earth... He calls it a planet, which is 100% right but it messes him up when he does his memory verse =) "God made the heaven and planet" =) 
    All in all Homeschooling seems like its going to be such a wonderful adventure and a joy.  Though, I know there will be obstacles and so called "rainy days"... I have faith that the Lord will bring us though it because I feel this is a calling in my life. 

" And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been 
called according to his purpose."
                                                                                                                     -Romans 8:28

 In other News =) this last weekend has been so busy and yet once again, it looks like nothing has been done around here. I have cleaned I know the same things 3 times and still looks messy lol. Doctor visits, 
church, homeschool, and all the normal day to day task have just worn me 
    Kenzi was doing fantastic last dr visit and will be here before we know it!!! I am so excited to have a 
daughter!!! I cleaned out my car yesterday and decided we should try to place 
all 3 car seats in the car to make sure they all fit ... well they didn't =( . UGH so now in the next 12 weeks I have to find another vehicle. I mean, Im excited because I wanted something bigger but at the same time I 
do not want a bigger payment..... just hopeless lol bigger car=bigger payment. She is already expensive and she isn't even here yet =) oh well... Im sure once she is here and those sweet little bows are placed in her hair her daddy will be hooked!! <3 Next Dr visit is in 3 weeks and I will hopefully have some 4d photos to share !!! 

                                                                                        Stay tuned!!

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